Siberian Ginseng benefits: They are not only boosting your energy but it has this stress reducing effects too

Whenever I feel exhausted and stress I would look for some remedies, having enough rest is definitely a top priority. Second I would consume some vitamins, supplements, and lastly but not least I would take ginseng.

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Siberian ginseng and its benefits are in particular would give me more strength, supercharge my energy level to the top.

Normally I would get refresh in an instant, reducing my stress level and get me ready to do whatever I need to do in the first place at any given time.

Sound good? Maybe I am exaggerating a little, but that is how I feel.

Some studies also strengthen the fact that ginseng in general would promote your immune system, improved your brain’s function, your memory and ability to concentrate even more.

They are three main types of ginseng that are widely available in the market nowadays :

Oriental ginseng; this is one of the oldest types of ginseng that has been cultivated for centuries. You can find Asian ginseng (panax ginseng) mostly in Korea and China. If you have a chance to visit Korea, then you will notice that natives would grow red panax more than the other varieties as they are more popular and widely consumed.

So how in the world they get its red name?

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The Koreans would cultivate and processing them in a certain ways and turn the root into red and that is where they get the red name from.

Interesting fact, one that is extremely sought after is the wild Asian or wild oriental ginseng.

For some people this perhaps is the ultimate ginseng and would cost you up to thousands of dollars for each ounce purchased because of its rareness and other magical effects it may offer?

American ginseng, long time ago native Americans already have used this so called panax quinquefolium and they were plenty of the wild type grown in mountain areas. These days due to over harvesting they are now limited only to those who have the license to dig out the wild ginseng roots.

They are now normally cultivated, and a mature ginseng root will take about 5 years or so before you can harvest them. In the united states, locally grown ginseng can be used to help easing cough, and lowering fever.

The third and possibly the most common are the siberian ginsengs. They somehow don’t stand on their own, which means the scientific fact reveals that they are a distant relative to the oriental panax ginseng (Asian). They provide about the same benefits but easier to grow and cultivate and usually will cost less. Many beliefs that siberian ginseng main property is the ability to lower stress.

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This Siberian ginseng and just like the other types in general will also promote energy booster just like what you can get from consuming bee pollen, and that is why Asian athletes’ just like in Korea would consume ginseng to help them in their training.

So which of the three ginsengs you would need to choose? According to studies, and literatures from various sources, each one of them would offer generally the same benefits, so what the matter most is the availability of each type nearby depending on where you are located as well as the price.

Some medical studies also proved that they can increase sperm count in men and improve sexual function both men and women.

Looking for available ginseng ginkgo biloba in the market? Why don’t you try to have a look at the following options:

Some other siberian ginseng benefits you could ever experience :

Increase your appetite, if you have eating problem you may want to this natural appetite stimulant and helps you to eat more.

Improves memory, this is would be better for elder people who have memory disorders.
Enhance your concentration or focus, if you have stressful work situation that require you to perform high degree of concentration, siberian ginseng might be the answer.

Longer endurance and better stamina, this is where Korean ginseng taking place and is famous for.

Stronger immune system, stop any possible disease like cold and flu  in a more natural way without using chemically produced medicine.

Looking for other way to consume ginseng? Why not try ginseng tea and get the same benefits?

Ginseng tea benefits: are they any differences from consuming ginseng extract as a pill, tonic, or mix with other supplements such as vitamins and minerals. Ginseng tea would offer nothing less, just like consuming ginseng in general, things like brain improvement, with more resistance to infections, ability to fight stress, and stopping any diseases at the same time.

Nevertheless, some people, and perhaps you might have preferences and would more enjoy drinking ginseng as a tea. Every once in a while you might want to try different things in live so you don’t get bored, and stick with what you are most comfortable with, even the final results are the same (in this instance consuming ginseng).

Are there any ginseng side effects that you should aware of?

If you use the recommended amount of ginseng’s daily intake it will almost never generate any side effects. In case you are over consuming them in larger dosage, the chance are that you would catch nervousness and sleep disorders. This sound like less threatening but you might want to think bigger, what if at certain point you could not sleep for several days, this could be dangerous, and highly unhealthy.

For people who have blood coagulation problem, taking ginseng would make it worse. If you currently are taking blood thinner to help you prevent your blood thicker, in order to avoid any possible heart attacks or stroke, you must stop taking ginseng because they will reverse the effect of your blood thinner medicine.

Bottom line is if you are taking any medicines or drugs at the moment, you might need to stop taking ginseng for the time being. Ginseng may also cause asthma and higher blood pressure to some people.

Ginseng is not vitamins and should not be taken over a long period of time, the moment you do so you would have the same probability to encounter the same negative side effects, just like when consuming them excessively in short period of time.

So I would say it has these accumulating side effects. The best way to consume ginseng is to stop taking them for a couple weeks, after taking them a few weeks before that.   

Advantages of biofuels, we almost forget that they already been around for decades

When you think about advantages of biofuels, the first thing that comes into mind is that how we could get such a thing in the first place? 

Naturally, this product would offer more environmental friendly elements and would almost never produce toxics of any kind and it has highly biodegradable property. 

Something that you could not find in traditional fossil based fuels.

Anyway, you can extract them from vegetable or cooking oils, animal fats, some other nature based plant that has adequate oil content. As simple as it sound to be you would need to perform additional processes to get a kind of fuel to run a vehicle.

One way to produce it is by applying certain chemical reactions, fermenting, and heating to divide the molecules in the vegetables or plants. Sugar cane is one good example of natural fuel sources, from which you can generate pure ethanol to run a car.

Types of biofuels

You can use vegetable oil in certain type of diesel engines. You can use the same engines to create biodiesel.  For as I know so far the vegetable oil is mix with conventional diesel fuel to reduce its carbon emission and cost at the same time. 

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Even some car manufacturer can now develop vehicle that can consume 100% pure biodiesel.

Bio alcohols are other types of biofuels.

You can also use them directly in a gasoline based car.  Ethanol fuel is another example which is quite popular in Brazil.

The can be used as a direct replacement of fossil fuels.

However this type of fuels has less energy content, which means to reach the same distance you will need more of this fuels.

So what are the advantages of biofuels would provide to us in comparison to the traditional fossil based fuels?


Anyway I think people who invented biodiesel long time ago have also have realized that the huge advantages of using them are the carbon neutral property that they offer. 

Therefore the combustible products like those CO and CO2 would be greatly reduced.    
These greenhouse gases usually will accumulate in the atmosphere which in certain quantity will enhance the global warming issue.

 In fact in some countries, people who are using bio fuel will get certain incentives from their government in form of price and tax reduction as part of promoting global warming solution.

Another key advantage would be its sustainability since they can be renewed in much shorter period of time.

They mostly extracted from plants, or crops which are relatively easy to grow, in comparison to fossil based fuels which take about millions of years to develop. In any cases I think the most advantages that biodiesel can offers is that they definitely will reduce carbon emission from 60% up to 80% most of the time.

What are the disadvantages of biofuels
I believe everything has two sides of stories, when we are talking about advantages there should be at least few disadvantages of biofuels to tag along. After all this is not a perfect world. Pure biofuels are not 100% carbon free, because they need a lot of energy to cultivate from crops into finish product.

There will be fuels consumption involves in the process just like when harvesting, transport, and during production stage. Spaces or lands would be another matter, instead of growing crops to produce foods; the biofuels will also consume the same amount of spaces to grow. So there is this priority issue here, which one should be more important?

 If this problem has no solution, food price will keep on climbing, and soon there will be more food crisis all over the world given the fact that land and plantation are already limited. What about opening new plantations by sacrifice the forests?

That is an idea, but never be a good one. Why? Because you know that cutting trees and opening new spaces will only create another problem, the destruction of natural habitats where animals and wild plants will soon be in endangered zone and you don’t want that to happen.

However above all cases, I think researchers and green companies around the globe still finding the best, more efficient methods of producing biodiesel, which is quite interesting to see.

Using Algae as biofuels source

Some multi-national companies have developed methods of using algae as biofuels source. One of the main considerations is that you can grow algae using land or water that are not compatible for plants and food production in general. 

Some species of algae can generate biodiesel from photosynthesis process using merely sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, which means less energy, involves which will automatically require only less cost. Algae use carbon dioxide which is widely available in the atmosphere as part of the greenhouse gases. This photosynthetic process is still under development should be improved to perfection. 

Once they are ready, it can be applied in a full scale manufacturing facility producing fuels that are friendly to environment at the same time also meet the requirements like those fossil fuels you are using nowadays.


Amazing health benefits of chlorophyll

Why consuming chlorophyll is so important?

Nowadays, with the level of stress and pollutions, eating habits, and life style, you probably need more than just a regular supplement to keep your body intact, and maintaining its health at the highest level. It would not be an easy task, but consuming liquid chlorophyll on regular basis might be the answer.


What is chlorophyll and how they are produced?

Well I always think that chlorophyll is a green pigment inside a plant that has the ability to produce oxygen and glucose by converting carbon dioxide and water.

As you already know we call this process photosynthesis and in order to make this happen, what the plant does is absorbing water through the root, and absorbing air through the pores, and the third key ingredients is of course the sunlight.

So which plant contains chlorophyll?

Basically, I can say all the green plants, whether it is from the trees or green vegetables that we consume daily, they all have chlorophyll inside them. So aside from producing oxygen that is much needed to counter the ever increasing green house gases these days, these plans also generating the green chlorophyll that actually good for our immune systems.

Anyway in most cases if we overcook the vegetables, might reducing the amount of chlorophyll, so you probably want to pay more attention and try reduce the amount of cooking time.

Some say that one of the best way to preserve the amount of chlorophyll is by steam cooking the green vegetables.

Nevertheless in my case, it is sometimes much easier to consume liquid chlorophyll rather than try to obtain them from cooking vegetables, on top of it I can get all the benefits at its best.

Some benefits of liquid chlorophyll

Why should you drinking them? Is it safe? Yes it is safe, because liquid chlorophyll is 100 %organic which extracted from the green plants.

Their molecular structure is almost identical to those hemoglobin found in our blood, so in other words it is very easy to digest because of its compatibility, and it blend in the bloodstream quite fast. Thus, what are the benefits of liquid chlorophyll?

Here are some evidences that I could find so far :

Since they carry the energy and oxygen with them, they are helping our body to rebuild, revitalize, the red blood cells , which means carrying more oxygen and distributing them thoroughly inside our body and in the end creating faster rejuvenating effects and you may become healthier than ever.

Liquid chlorophyll is also helping us to keep a stronger immune system and helps us more to fight any sort of infections. Other than that, they also help in removing toxins and minimizing carcinogens level, or you can consider them to have great impact in the detoxification of the body.

When traveling to our colon system, they also have the ability to absorb any metal, and kills bacteria that are harmful, so your colon will get much cleaner and healthier. Beside from everything else, they can also diminish body odor and bad breath, which is sometimes a little annoying.

Overall liquid chlorophyll are powerful anti oxidant, that strengthening our body from the inside or externally.

Organic chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is 100% organic if you extract them straight from the plants and leafy green vegetables. Wheat grass, mulberry leaf, barley, and sprirulina blue green algae are a few from many which are believe to have high concentration of chlorophyll.

The natural ingredients that you can find from chlorophyll are, magnesium for the most part, but it also has Vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and protein.

Are there any liquid chlorophyll side effects?

So far I did not find any published medical literature, reports, or news stating that consuming them has severe negative side effects. Anyhow, let just to be fair, just because it is good for us, doesn't mean it will create the same effects on others.

For some they may experience their urine to be green in color, or having diarrhea, and perhaps yellow tongue after certain period of time consuming liquid chlorophyll. Nevertheless it is very small cases if you comparing them to all the goodness they are providing.

Preserving chili peppers to enhance its flavor

Is there a simple yet quickest way to preserving chili peppers? There are number of methods and few are quite effective.

Depending on where you come from, everybody has its own way of preserving them, and for some people in different parts of the world it is a delicacy.

Who doesn’t like eating chili peppers? I love them eating both fresh mix them with salt, pepper, garlic, and lime, eat them while you are having grilled fish, fantastic!  What about dried chili? Even better!

I think the hot and spicy feeling is just amazing, because when you are having dried chili pepper you will get more intense flavor and unique fragrance.

I think will gives you another sensation when eating them.

When you have grilled chicken wings, try to add some dry peppers as seasoning and feel the differences, nothing can beat the taste.

The downside of having chili peppers in your dish is that they tend to get spoil quickly, and it is a bad thing to eat. I got stomach ache from eating spoiled chili peppers, but it never stops me to keep eating them, because I grew up with it and cannot imagine living without them.

One way to preserving chili peppers is by canning, but this requires a lot more work to do. There is a much simpler way to do it.

By simply remove the stem and seed before sun drying them outside or using oven. By doing so you can remove any excess liquids and keeping those from getting spoil much longer. When preserving Serrano pepper for instance, you need to wait till they turn red.

When it completely dry you can place them inside a jar, try to fit them as many as you can so there will be almost no air in between. Store the jar in a dry and cool space. If you doing it properly it can last for up to one year, nice isn’t it?

You can also make chili powder out of dried chili peppers, just put them in the food processor and done. Use them as a spice in your dish, almost any dish you could possibly imagine, and get the new unique flavors.

Ancho chili powder

Chili powder  are most suitable in almost every dish, from grilled meats, stew, soups, or mix them with dipping sauces. This is my version of cook to perfection, no chili; something is missing as simple as that.

If you are looking for chili flavor but cannot stand the heat then ancho chili powder is the one for you.

It is still a member of capsicum family, and I think best using them on barbeque.

They are quite popular in Mexico, and found in almost every traditional Mexican dishes such as tamales.

You can easily create ancho chili powder by grinding dried ancho chili peppers. It has rather mild hotness or heat, but at the same time providing all those great chili flavors.

What is the hottest chili pepper in the world?

When eating chili peppers most people would look for different spiciness and hot levels, I guess. But for some folks it is quite a challenge to taste one of the hottest chili on earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, beware the naga jolokia, it is from India, some believe it could be the hottest chili pepper in the world, I wonder how it taste like?

Perhaps at certain point I still can eat them providing there is a bottle of cold water ready nearby. But problem is would my stomach stand the heat?

I don’t know, but there are people in this planet are used to eat this monster, wonder how they feel? Another name of this naga jolokia is the ghost pepper also known as the bhut jolokia. See how scary it is by just saying its name? It makes me more curious to taste them. Have you?

In year 2007 the guinnes book of records have listed in their database that this naga jolokia was confirmed to be the hottest chili pepper on earth, can you imagine that?

Habanero chili pepper

Now enough with the scary thing let’s go back to probably all time favorite, the habanero chili pepper. For people who  ever ate habanero they would agree that its has the most spicy taste of all its relatives.

They come in various colors and variety, but perhaps the most common ones are red and orange, it has rather smooth skin surface and it will turns green before it get ripe. Their origin and are popularly used in Cuban dishes, because it is widely available in Havana, Cuba.

Chili pepper recipes

Here are the list of interesting sites that shares the best chili pepper recipe in the world. There are tons of them out there, you might want to take a look and try to cook them. If you have a recipe of your own please share with us.

  1. Tomato and sweet chili pepper 
  2. Poblano Recipes 
  3. Spicy Mixed Chili Pepper Relish 
  4. Hatchile

Amazing facts about greenhouse gases

Surprising facts about greenhouse gases

Facts about Greenhouse gases, why we should take serious attention on this issue?

As you must have already knew, the earth is getting warmer these days because of increasing volume of greenhouse gases. It is the consequences of heat concentration which captured by specific gases inside the atmosphere namely the greenhouse gases. These gases accumulating heat and reflecting back to the earth's surface.

In the old days, facts about greenhouse gases are essential to life as they maintain the planet's surface warm enabling to support life. If these gases are not available, the earth would be covered with ice. However, while the percentage of these gases remain to build up the in the atmosphere, the Earth's temperature is rising above the ideal level.

With increasing temperature globally, the climate are also changing due to the increasing number of greenhouse gases in terms of spread and density. Rainfall patterns, snowfall and, and sea level would change dramatically over the years and you know what?

Every living creatures should have the ability to sustain and adapt those changes or they will vanish, as simple as that. Human, in this case you and me, may have the ability to adapt to change intelligently, but if things getting worse it will eventually more difficult to cope with. 

 In fact animals and plants will suffer the first before human due to these climate changes, and what can you do without them? Simply nothing, without animal and plants we probably are next to extinct.

Definition of greenhouse gases

The name 'greenhouse gases' is used to refer to the gases that exist in the atmosphere which absorb the radiations and emit them within the thermal infrared range. So the definition of greenhouse gases may be interpreted as It is the outcome of heat captivation by a selection of gases inside the atmosphere as they absorb heat from the lower atmosphere and reflecting back some of that heat to the earth. 
Gases that absorb the sun's infrared radiation and trap its heat in the earth's atmosphere. These greenhouse gases tend to trap the solar radiations, which eventually leads to a rise in the surface temperature.

What causes greenhouse gases

When people burning coal as well as oil, piling up landfill, or when you drive cars filled with gasoline, working on animal farming, deforestation, and much more which will create greenhouse gases.

As mentioned earlier we all need the greenhouse effect to get enough warm and to live on, however when those gases accumulating in an excess amount, they will be creating a global warming, and hence more climate changes. 
The greenhouse gases form glass like structure that would enable heat to go through and blocking them to get outside.

Where do greenhouse gases come from

Beside from human factor, greenhouse gases can be generated from nature activities, one fact that you all aware is the natural gases from earth that release into the air. Volcano eruption would also contribute to increase the gases. 

Nevertheless, human perhaps you, definitely me, most human are the biggest contribution to this climate changes over the past few years. Most of the emission would come from the exploitation of fossil fuels that would include petroleum and coal.

Types of greenhouse gases

One of many types of greenhouse gases that we all familiar with is carbon Dioxide and probably methane. Other types of gases found inside the atmosphere is water vapor, chlorofluorocarbons , sulfur hexafluoride, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, chlorofluorocarbons, hydro-fluorocarbons, per-fluorocarbons and ozone. These gases draw infrared radiation and determine the climate changes.

What should we do to reduce greenhouse pollution?

I think you know what to do, reducing the use of fossil fuels would be the first, stopping deforestation and promoting to grow more oxygen producing plant would be another idea. There are a lot of actions can be taken to preserve our earth inhabitants, and leave something behind for the next generations to come.

Bananas and constipation, what is the relation between them?

Who doesn't like eating banana? Their sweet and tender taste are so irresistible. The yellow it gets the softer and more sweet it becomes.

They are many types of banana coming from various origin, mostly from tropical places and each one of them has its own distinct characteristics which make them so unique, and tasteful.

Bananas and constipation, are they good or bad?

One day I got a chance to talk with a friend of mine, we talked about food, fruits and vegetables in particular. She told me that she had this constipation problem, and to the bigger surprise was she admitted that the cause of her problem was because she had consumed bananas a couple of days before.

Now I got confused, I read some articles, and getting advise from my doctor long before, that eating banana should cure constipation, not the other way around.

My doctor said that if we eat banana at least one or two a day, it should helps you with your constipation problem, because of its natural mild laxative effect. I said to myself what in the world is happening? Which bananas and constipation facts are true?

I am so curious so that I called my doctor again, I have mentioned about my friend's bowel problem because of her eating banana. My doctor paused a moment and finally said that he had not got the chance to explain to me before that banana can both cure and cause the constipation. What? Yes both he said

Apparently, before you eat banana to cure your stool's issue, you need first to recognize what are the cause. The old wisdom of Asian medicine have divided constipation into two main categories.

1. Heat-constipation – which is when you feel heat piling up in your stomach, this is may be happening if you drink too much alcohol, spicy foods, or when you catch fever. 

2. Cold-constipation – which means you don't have enough heat or warm in your digestive system which is very much needed to easily digesting the food. This may happening, when you drink cold water, eating ice cream, and raw meals.

You need to eat banana when having heat type of constipation, because banana have this cold effect to counter act the heat generated inside your stomach. The idea is to keep it all in balance, so your digestive system will get back to its normal condition and to work the way it should be.

What happen if you eating banana when having cold type constipation? You may not get cured, on the other hand, you may get sick, because too much “cold” in your system will bring you nothing but diarrhea.

So the key principle here are just so simple, keep your body warm, if get too much heat try to cool it down, too cold don't eat banana, try something else, warm milk with ginger perhaps?

Other banana facts

Beside the constipation related issue, banana is good for us, eat them daily you will feel that your body more energize, because I fell the same way after eating a banana.

Some benefits of banana, not only tasty but they are also healthy for you

As said before, banana will provide you with more energy, that's why I like to have them in the morning. It has probably the better combination of dietary fiber, calorie, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your body.

They have quite amount of potassium, which is very important to maintain your blood pressure level and heart condition.

It also has a prebiotic property and will enhance the good bacteria in your colon which is help to produce enzymes and to absorbs nutrients better. Eating banana regularly also helps to maintain your kidney's condition and efficiency and again thanks to the rich potassium content that it has.

Banana calorie count

An average size banana may carry about 100 to 120 calories with them, which is quite high compared to other type of fruits. So it is perfect meal before going for exercise or hard work, because it will give you enough energy to perform at higher level.

Other nutrients in bananas

Beside potassium, you will find beta carotene, vitamin B6 and C, as well as calcium, isn't that wonderful? I like drinking banana smoothies and eat them raw. What about you? Above all, they are more goods in them rather than negative effects.