Amazing health benefits of chlorophyll

Why consuming chlorophyll is so important?

Nowadays, with the level of stress and pollutions, eating habits, and life style, you probably need more than just a regular supplement to keep your body intact, and maintaining its health at the highest level. It would not be an easy task, but consuming liquid chlorophyll on regular basis might be the answer.


What is chlorophyll and how they are produced?

Well I always think that chlorophyll is a green pigment inside a plant that has the ability to produce oxygen and glucose by converting carbon dioxide and water.

As you already know we call this process photosynthesis and in order to make this happen, what the plant does is absorbing water through the root, and absorbing air through the pores, and the third key ingredients is of course the sunlight.

So which plant contains chlorophyll?

Basically, I can say all the green plants, whether it is from the trees or green vegetables that we consume daily, they all have chlorophyll inside them. So aside from producing oxygen that is much needed to counter the ever increasing green house gases these days, these plans also generating the green chlorophyll that actually good for our immune systems.

Anyway in most cases if we overcook the vegetables, might reducing the amount of chlorophyll, so you probably want to pay more attention and try reduce the amount of cooking time.

Some say that one of the best way to preserve the amount of chlorophyll is by steam cooking the green vegetables.

Nevertheless in my case, it is sometimes much easier to consume liquid chlorophyll rather than try to obtain them from cooking vegetables, on top of it I can get all the benefits at its best.

Some benefits of liquid chlorophyll

Why should you drinking them? Is it safe? Yes it is safe, because liquid chlorophyll is 100 %organic which extracted from the green plants.

Their molecular structure is almost identical to those hemoglobin found in our blood, so in other words it is very easy to digest because of its compatibility, and it blend in the bloodstream quite fast. Thus, what are the benefits of liquid chlorophyll?

Here are some evidences that I could find so far :

Since they carry the energy and oxygen with them, they are helping our body to rebuild, revitalize, the red blood cells , which means carrying more oxygen and distributing them thoroughly inside our body and in the end creating faster rejuvenating effects and you may become healthier than ever.

Liquid chlorophyll is also helping us to keep a stronger immune system and helps us more to fight any sort of infections. Other than that, they also help in removing toxins and minimizing carcinogens level, or you can consider them to have great impact in the detoxification of the body.

When traveling to our colon system, they also have the ability to absorb any metal, and kills bacteria that are harmful, so your colon will get much cleaner and healthier. Beside from everything else, they can also diminish body odor and bad breath, which is sometimes a little annoying.

Overall liquid chlorophyll are powerful anti oxidant, that strengthening our body from the inside or externally.

Organic chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is 100% organic if you extract them straight from the plants and leafy green vegetables. Wheat grass, mulberry leaf, barley, and sprirulina blue green algae are a few from many which are believe to have high concentration of chlorophyll.

The natural ingredients that you can find from chlorophyll are, magnesium for the most part, but it also has Vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and protein.

Are there any liquid chlorophyll side effects?

So far I did not find any published medical literature, reports, or news stating that consuming them has severe negative side effects. Anyhow, let just to be fair, just because it is good for us, doesn't mean it will create the same effects on others.

For some they may experience their urine to be green in color, or having diarrhea, and perhaps yellow tongue after certain period of time consuming liquid chlorophyll. Nevertheless it is very small cases if you comparing them to all the goodness they are providing.

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